Welcome to Salem!

Salem Reformed Church, Hagerstown

What do you have for my family?

We are a family church and we recognize that church should be the place that families grow together in faith, hope, and love in Jesus Christ. During our family worship service on Sunday mornings we feel it is important for children to see their parents and adult role models worshiping. However, we know an hour long service is an an extended amount of time for young children, so children age two through grade five may leave the sanctuary halfway through the service for "Children's Church" featuring "Dig-In", an activity-based bible curriculum from Group Publishing which coincides with the Sunday School lesson each week. Youth Group is offered Friday evenings for youth grade 4 and up youth enjoy the gym, game room, and devotions in a safe environment with Christian adult leaders.

Is there a dress code?

Our dress code is exactly what you make it to be! Some of us choose to wear "Sunday best" with men in a coat and tie and ladies in a blouse and skirt. Some of us worship just the same in jeans or shorts. You're welcome to worship with us in whatever you choose to wear.

Is there something expected of me?

Worship with us however you see fit. During the service offerings of tithes and gifts are collected, but please don't feel like you are obligated to give if you are our guest!

We look forward to your visit.